Excellence in a bag. We offer a wide variety of papers for all types of bags and uses in shops, the packaging industry and shipments in online sales. Whether white or brown, 100% virgin fiber or recycled fibres, highly functional or surprisingly attractive. With our products, your brand is guaranteed the best image and great acceptance by your customers and end consumers.

Advantage MF Kraft
Advantage MF Kraft combines a natural look and feel with very high strength properties.

Advantage MF EcoComp
Brown Advantage MF EcoComp is designed for production of paper bags for collection of wet organic household waste. It is produced from pure, brown long-fibre kraft pulp.

Advantage MF White Kraft
Brown Advantage MF EcoComp is designed for production of paper bags for collection of wet organic household waste. It is produced from pure, brown long-fibre kraft pulp.

EcoVantage Light Fashion
The soft calendered paper EcoVantage Light Fashion offers a natural image to your shopper bags for excellent consumer appeal.

EcoVantage Kraft Classic
EcoVantage Kraft Classic is a recycled paper with good strength and excellent printability.

EcoVantage Kraft Pro
EcoVantage Kraft Pro is a soft calendered paper with excellent formation, high strength and excellent printability.

Advantage Smooth White
EcoVantage Kraft Pro is a soft calendered paper with excellent formation, high strength and excellent printability.

Advantage Smooth White Strong
Advantage Smooth White Strong is a calendered speciality kraft paper with high strength and good printability.

Advantage Smooth White Gloss
The calendered Advantage Smooth White Gloss offers the best mix of excellent strength and outstanding printability.

Advantage MG Kraft
Advantage MG Kraft is a machine-glazed paper, distinguished by its high strength and excellent surface properties of the glazed side.

Advantage MG White High Gloss
Advantage MG White High Gloss is white MG paper with high gloss, excellent strength properties and good runnability.
for eCommerce bags
If you work in the eCommerce sector and are looking for new sustainable materials for your packaging, you are in the right place.

Advantage eCom Smooth White
Calendered paper that offers great printability and flexibility for eFood and eGrocery bags.

Advantage eCom Kraft
Very strong brown paper with high stiffness for good runnability on conversion lines. Ideal for mailers.

Advantage eCom Kraft White
Very strong white paper with high stiffness for good runnability on conversion lines. Ideal for mailers.

EcoVantage eCom Mailer
Paper with 50% recycled content with high stiffness and good mechanical properties. Ideal for mailers and eFood/eGrocery bags.

Advantage eCom High Strength
Very strong, but flexible brown paper. Ideal for eFood & eGrocery bags.

Advantage eCom Tape Base
Strong paper with enhanced surface properties for water activated coatings.

MG paper for eCommerce
Our range of one-sided glossy papers is an ideal solution for manufacturing online sales bags aimed at the textile trade.

Paper for sacks

Barrier coatings

Technical papers

Strong and flexible paper tot put the best face to industrial sacks
Sustainable paper for the new consumption patterns
Paper with highly specialized solutions
Productivit based on innovation and ease